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Happily Ever Aging
...a UMH Senior Living Blog

Everything you need to know about caring for your loved one - at home or at a senior living community.

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Baby, It's Cold Outside: A Senior's Guide to Winter Health & Well-Being

As winter makes its seasonal debut, enveloping many parts of the country in a blanket of snow and crisp temperatures, the challenges that seniors face to their health and well-being become more pronounced. The cold weather, icy sidewalks, and flu season can pose significant risks for older individuals. With careful preparation and proactive measures, however, seniors can navigate the winter season with confidence. In this article, we'll delve into key strategies for seniors to maintain winter health and well-being, ensuring a season of comfort and safety.

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10 Tips for Seniors to Unwrap the Gift of Joy this Holiday Season

The holiday season, often marked by festive lights and a contagious sense of joy, can be a time of celebration and reflection for people of all ages. For seniors, though, this time may bring about unique challenges that make it difficult to actively seek and savor moments of happiness. However, experiencing such elements of wonder and delight may be essential to maintaining a senior’s mental and emotional health this time of year. Whether residing alone or within a senior living community, finding joy during the holidays can significantly contribute to overall well-being. In the spirit of helping seniors access holiday cheer more fully, the following are some thoughtful tips for grasping the joy of the season and making this time truly special.

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Your Guide to Senior Care Options

Not sure what senior living and care solution is best for your loved one? Start making sense of your options.

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The Art of Downsizing & Personalizing Your Senior Living Space

The journey of transitioning to a senior living community is a significant milestone, one that’s often met with a mix of anticipation and apprehension. It's a time of change, a shift in perspective, and an opportunity to redefine what “home” truly means. While downsizing may entail letting go of certain possessions, it certainly doesn't mean letting go of the essence of who you are.

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Giving Thanks by Giving Back: Volunteer Opportunities for Older Adults

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on gratitude, and what better way to express it than by giving back to the community? For older adults, volunteering can be a fulfilling and enriching experience. As the seasonal holiday of giving thanks approaches, we’re highlighting some of the many volunteer opportunities available for seniors, including the benefits of active participation in community service.

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Downsizing Dilemmas & Solutions for Transitioning to a Senior Living Community

Embarking on the journey of downsizing to a senior living community is a significant transition, often filled with both excitement and apprehension. While the benefits of simplified living and a supportive community are evident, unexpected dilemmas may arise along the way. In this article, we'll explore some common challenges faced by seniors during the downsizing process, and offer practical solutions to help make this transition smoother and more enjoyable.

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Boosting Senior Brain Health through the Power of Cognitive Games & Activities

As we age, maintaining a healthy mind is just as crucial as maintaining a healthy body. Cognitive decline is a natural part of aging, but there are ways to slow down this process and even enhance cognitive abilities. One such powerful tool is the use of cognitive games and activities tailored for seniors. Engaging mental exercises not only provides entertainment, but also stimulates various areas of the brain, ultimately leading to improved brain health and overall quality of life.

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Hidden-Gem Activities that Stimulate & Engage Seniors for More Vibrant Living

As we age, it's crucial to explore activities that not only cater to our physical well-being, but also nurture our mental and emotional health. While classics like walking, puzzles and gentle exercises hold their value, there are also some very unique, sometimes overlooked activities that can add a whole new dimension to seniors' lives. Here, we’re uncovering some hidden gems that have the potential to stimulate and engage seniors in ways they might not have considered.

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The Top Used Apps & Technology in Senior Living Communities

In recent years, technology has made significant strides in improving the quality of life for older adults in senior living communities. From enhancing communication to providing health monitoring solutions, various apps and technologies have become integral parts of daily life. These innovations not only increase convenience, but also promote independence and safety for elderly residents. In this article, we will explore some of the top used apps and technologies in senior living communities.

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Award-Winning Articles on Aging Well

Healthy aging is influenced by many factors in our lifestyle and especially over the last few decades, research has revealed several habits we can incorporate to positively impact our own aging experience. Along with this comes the idea of “aging well” or the concept of “successful aging,” both terms that can mean various things to various people. In general, however, the idea of optimizing one’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being throughout the senior years has great appeal. Throughout the last year, we took a deeper dive into this topic in our UMH blog by highlighting seven different aspects of aging well, beginning with the ever-important element of nutrition and ending with the theme of living one’s unique purpose.

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How Senior Living Communities Are Adapting to Boomers’ Relationship with Technology

Our increasingly connected world driven by digital advancement, in combination with an imminent influx of the baby boomer generation into senior living communities, has prompted a significant shift in how these communities approach technology. As boomers—who have witnessed and contributed to the evolution of technology—enter their golden years, senior living communities are adapting to meet their unique technological needs and preferences. Communities that place a strong emphasis on resident-centered care understand how to leverage technology to help people lead enriched, connected, and engaged lives in their later years. They are taking a comprehensive approach to technology integration, revolutionizing the way they operate and enhancing the overall experience for their residents.

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Unlocking the Freedom of Downsizing to a Senior Living Community

Life is a journey marked by transitions, a series of chapters each holding its own unique story. As time moves forward and the years gracefully accumulate, many seniors find themselves facing a pivotal decision: the shift from a long-held family home to a more streamlined living space within a senior living community. While downsizing might seem like a daunting task at first, a closer look reveals a path rich with practical advantages and a sense of liberation. For seniors and their families, this transition offers a chance to embrace change and rediscover a new kind of freedom.

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